NYU Department of Chemistry Resources and Forms

MDI Health and Safety

Click "Register" in the upper right corner of the page. After you've created the account and logged in, go to "My Account" and choose "My Site Subscription" to get access to software downloads. Then, when you run the software for the first time, it will ask for serial numbers or codes which are located in the "My Downloads" part of your PerkinElmer account.

NMR processing software. For more NMR freeware/software options, please consult the University of Washington's guide to NMR data processing.

Cambridge Structural Database (CSD)
Worldwide repository of small molecule crystal structures hosted by Cambridge Crystallographic Data Center (CCDC). NYU has a site license to access CSD.

Molecular modeling and computational chemistry application. Spartan and other software such as MATLAB and Mathematica can be accessed through NYU's Virtual Computer Lab.  

Molecule editor and visualizer designed for cross-platform use in computational chemistry, molecular modeling, bioinformatics, materials science, and related areas.

Thesis binding
Henry Bookbinding
135 Henry Street NY, NY 10002


Investigating the hazards associated with working in the lab and following the MDI's, NYU's and generally accepted safety practices are necessary conditions for conducting laboratory research. This section of the website contains sources of information to help you meet our safety criteria. 

First Steps

  • Begin with by reading the NYU laboratory safety manual and the MDI Site Specific Safety plan.

  • Take the required in-class training sessions.

  • Learn what to do in case of an emergency, study your labs floor plan.

  • Read the material safety datasheets for the chemicals involved in your research.


These resources and our safety staff will enable you to conduct efficient, productive, and safe experimental work in the laboratory.


In Case of Emergency




Safety Videos


Safety Training


Safety Labels


Hazardous Waste


Standard Operating Procedures


Materials Safety MSDS

Lab Inspections

 Laboratory inspections are a critical part of the safety culture at NYU. Laboratories are assessed on a regular basis for compliance with environmental and occupational health and safety regulations. It is a good idea to review the Lab Safety/ Hazardous Waste checklist prior to the inspection to address any issues and expedite the process.

Environmental Health and Safety Programs

Chemical Hygiene Program (PDF) to provide information for the identification and determination of hazards in the lab.

Laboratory Waste Disposal to properly dispose of lab-generated wastes.

Hazardous Waste Training to provide information on proper handling of lab-generated hazardous waste.

Fire and Life Safety

FDNY C14 Certificate of Fitness for Supervision of Labs

For more information please visit NYU EHS here


NYU Environmental Health and Safety
10 Astor Place, 6th Floor
New York, New York 10003
Phone: +1 212-998-1450